Personal reflections from the 2024 Tacton Customer & Partner Summit

Tacton Summit

By Patrik Lundell, Application Consultant at Sirocco Group Sweden

From navigating the future of sales transformation to reimagining the buyer experience, this year’s Tacton Summit was nothing short of inspiring. Over two days, Tacton, partners, and manufacturing industry innovators came together to explore how CPQ technology is shaping an even smarter sales process. The summit offered us an opportunity to dive into the latest trends in CPQ technology, network with other partners, and engage with manufacturers utilizing Tacton to transform their sales. Together, we discussed and saw firsthand how the future of CPQ is evolving. Below are some of my key takeaways.

The “Digital Native

One major theme that stood out was the rise of the ‘Digital Native’ in the workforce. By 2025, it’s projected that a whopping 90% of the workforce will be digital natives. These folks have grown up in a world of instant information, and they’re bringing that same efficiency to their professional lives. This shift means buyers (yes, even B2B buyers) are more informed and independent than ever. Before even thinking about talking to a sales rep, they’re eager to gather as much info as possible on their own. To keep up, companies need to make product data, pricing, and other essential info easily accessible online. Investing in digital tools that streamline the buying journey is no longer optional; it’s a must. A smooth, frictionless buying experience will be the key to future success. And let’s not forget the potential of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) – Just imagine being able to visualize products in your own space or interact with 3D models through AR or VR headsets. This isn’t the future; this is what is already possible, and we’ve seen it firsthand at the summit.

Secrets behind a successful CPQ implementation

So, how do you kick off a successful CPQ implementation? It all begins with a solid change management strategy. First, identify your business needs and system requirements, and most importantly, ensure your team is on board for the journey ahead. Aligning everyone – from leadership to different departments – is crucial, though it’s often easier said than done. Each department has unique concerns, so clear communication and transparency are vital. Implementing a new CPQ system can be challenging, but a well-planned approach can make all the difference. Common obstacles include data quality issues, resistance to change, and integration complexities. To navigate these challenges, prioritise data cleansing, provide appropriate training, and involve key stakeholders early on.

Training and user adoption are critical. No matter how powerful a CPQ system is, it won’t deliver results if your teams aren’t comfortable using it. Tailored training sessions can help users master both basic functions and advanced features. Additionally, involving your teams early in the testing phase can boost engagement and buy-in, leading to a smoother rollout. And lastly, don’t underestimate the importance of ongoing support. Regular maintenance and updates after the system goes live are essential to keep everything running smoothly and ensure your CPQ continues to provide long-term value.

So what is the Tacton CPQ of the future?

The future of Tacton CPQ is undeniably AI-driven, and the possibilities are exciting. Imagine having an AI assistant built right into the CPQ, guiding you through the buying process or generating optimal configurations based on your project specs. Amazing, but it doesn’t stop there. Tacton is set to roll out advanced omnichannel capabilities, allowing manufacturers to create tailored sales experiences for internal teams, partners, and customers alike. This is essential for meeting the expectations of our ever-growing Digital Native workforce and streamlining the entire buying journey. The future is bright, and I can’t wait to see how CPQ innovations will further transform, automate, and optimize the sales process.

If you want to learn more about what my team and I are working on when it comes to Tacton CPQ, feel free to reach out. I also ran a demo during a recent webinar that you can check out here: Streamlining the buying journey and making CPQ an integral part of the purchasing process.

So where do you start?

As your long-term partner for sustainable success, Sirocco is here to help you achieve your business goals. Contact us today to discuss your specific needs and book a free consultation or workshop to get started!